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Thursday, July 1, 2010

“How To Get A Girlfriend”

I think that a lot of guys wonder “Is there anything I should do DIFFERENTLY if I'd like to turn a casual date into a girlfriend?”

The reason why I'd like to address this question is I think many guys wonder if they should do something DIFFERENT if they'd like to pursue a relationship with a woman as opposed to just dating her a few times for short-term fun.

I personally think that women have a basic program when it comes to men that are potential romantic interests. It says, “If he chases me, run. If he doesn't chase me, chase him.”

Of course, this is a big generalization, and it doesn't always hold true… but it's true enough in most situations.

If you call a woman all the time, she'll probably not call you. If you take a woman to dinner 4 times in a week, she probably won't be inviting you over for dinner at her place.

On the other hand, if you go out with a woman and she has a GREAT time with you, then you don't call for a couple of days, or maybe you call once for 3 minutes to tell her that you're busy and make plans for a few days later, SHE WILL BE THINKING ABOUT YOU ALL THE TIME.

If you do seem like you're into a relationship, then a woman has a much bigger decision to make, and will be taking all kinds of things into consideration… little gestures will take on new meaning.

If you're ONLY looking for a “relationship”, then this will come across in all your dealings with women. You'll be asking different questions, answering questions differently, and playing for the long term. This can create all kinds of problems when done "too much too soon".

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