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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

How to Tell if Someone Likes You

It is a very difficult to tell whether a person genuinely likes you or not. How can you say whether a certain guy or girl is interested in you? And how can you be totally sure that whether that liking is love, attraction or just infatuation. To know this there are some signs and clues that you must see.

To help you find out whether a person really likes you, we give you some advice that you must follow in order to be completely sure.
  • If suddenly some one calls you every few hours just to know what you were doing or whether you are free to meet him or her, then this is the first sign to know that that person in interested in you.
  • If a person turns up each and everywhere you go, and that person some how manages to single you out and talk to you even if you are in a large group, then this is the second sign.
  • If a person is acting very strangely, getting nervous or starts stammering when in front of you then be sure to know that it is the third sign that some one likes you.
  • If a person starts complementing you without any rhyme or reason and starts acting in a flirtatious manner with you then it is the fourth sign to know that he or she is interested in you.
  • The fifth sign that would help you to know whether a person is attracted to you is that that person will start smiling and blushing a lot when talking or even just standing near you.
  • That person will show the sixth sign by telling your mutual friends that he or she likes you. They will even ask your friends about your personal details and your hobbies.
  • You will know that a person likes you if he keeps staring at you and admiring you at all places. These tactics are adopted to gain someone's attention, so it is surely the seventh sign.
  • The next sign that you should be looking for is, try to observe them when you are any where near them, if their behavior suddenly changes when they see you or if they try to touch you if you are standing close to them then they surely like you.
  • The most important sign a person will show if they like you is, that they will openly invite you in front of their or your friends to spend some time together with then alone.
So these are some of the most important signs one should be looking for if they want to make sure whether a person is truly attracted to them or is it just a figment of their imagination.

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